Truth, Justice, and the American: How Comics Animate Culture | Friday, May 10 | 7:30 PM | ASFS Meeting | St. Andrew Presbyterian Church | 5301 Ponderosa Ave NE | Albuquerque, NM | $1 for Newcomers

Take a look at activism through the lens of comics! In Truth, Justice, and the American: How Comics Animate Culture comics offer up a mirror of our fears and beliefs. We see this in the stories told in comics, the struggles of creators, issues within the industry, and times when comics have stepped beyond the realm of comics to direct activism. Join 7000 BC's Jeff Benham in an exploration of how comics have questioned, wriggled, and brawled their way to become an active force in the evolution of our culture.
Delight as the limits of creativity are shattered! Escape with the unexpected monsters of our dreams! Thrill as the Captains of America tackle the Axis! Tremble as Congress contemplates comics' delinquency! Raise a fist as The Man pulls comics underground! Celebrate as comics unloose the broad American voice! Squirm as comics struggle to define "created equal!" Look! Up in the Sky! It's not a bird! It's not a plane! It's comics fighting for us all! (And we don't always agree!)
THE ACTIVITY ROOM is at the west end of the church by the gated courtyard BUT the gate is locked at 5:00 pm. So, enter through the church's north door (backside of building) off the parking lot. Once in hallway, turn to your right to enter the Activity Room. Doors open at 7:15 pm - not before then (we have to set up)! Plan accordingly. Orderly guests are welcome. Lidded & bottled non-alcoholic drinks are permissible. Everyone gets shooed out around 9:50 pm in order to clean up...
MASKING IS WELCOME: Sad to say, but Covid, the Flu & RSV are here to stay. Be safe. Whether you wear a mask or not is up to your personal comfort level. We're just asking everyone to be well and respect people around you.
Truth, Justice, and the American: How Comics Animate Culture
An Audio-Visual Presentation by 7000 BC's Jeff Benham
Friday, May 11, 2024
Albuquerque Science Fiction Society
$1 for newcomers!
ACTIVITY ROOM (west end of building, enter through door on northside of church)
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM