
7000 BC at Bubonicon 40

Bubonicon 40, the New Mexico Science Fiction Convention | August 22-24, 2008 | Friday 3:30-8:30; Saturday 10:00-7:00; Sunday 10:00-4:00 | The Albuquerque Grand Airport Hotel | Albuquerque, NM

Once again, 7000 BC will be in the dealers room at Bubonicon, along with group member Jamie Chase, with an assortment of comics, art, and prints.

This annual event is one of the premier gatherings of science fiction writers, artists, and fans. This year's guest of honor is David Weber, the toastmaster is Daniel Abraham, and the guest artist is Bob Egggleton.

Our friends Robert Stikmanz, Darla Hallmark, and Hadrosaur Productions will also be back in the dealer room