In Albuquerque:
Harwood Art Center
1114 7th Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
In Santa Fe:
True Believers Comics and Gallery
801 Cerrillos Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Can you create a complete comic book in only 24 hours? 24 Hour Comics Day is an international celebration of comics creation. Cartoonists around the world take on the challenge of trying to create a 24 page comic story in 24 straight hours. Last year's event included participants in 17 countries. 2007 will mark the first year that Albuquerque will be one of the host cities, and the 4th year for Santa Fe. It's a creative exercise that will test your stamina while teaching you what you're capable of. So bring your papers and pens and join us. Co-sponsored by Harwood Art Center, True Believers Comics and Gallery, and 7000 BC. This event is open to all ages (with parental permission for minors) and is free!
For more about the event, please visit the official Web site, or sign up to participate by emailing or calling Jeff at 262-2952.
Update: Liveblogging!