Bubonicon 43 | Friday, August 26-Sunday, August 28 | The Sheraton Albuquerque Airport | Albuquerque, NM
7000 BC returns to Albuquerque's annual science fiction and fantasy convention Bubonicon. We'll be back in the dealers room with a table full of comics from the group.
Jeff will present a history and appreciation of Monsters in Comics on Saturday at 1:00 and our friends Robert and Amanda will discuss what goes into inventing a language Friday at 7:00, both in the Rio Grande Room. Full programming information is here.
We'll also continue our tradition of creating a drawing of 43 rats live, in front of your eyes — to be raffled off on Sunday night, with the winner to be drawn as the final rat; tickets available at the table.
Update: photos!
Created with flickrSLiDR.